
Monday, August 25, 2014

Jewelry Toolbox #1 - Stud Earrings

I often have ladies asking me what they should buy, especially when they're starting a new jewelry collection. So I've started a new series called Jewelry Toolbox. In these posts I'll tell you some great additions to your toolbox and what Chloe + Isabel offers to get that toolbox from nonexistent to amazing.

Every good jewelry collection should include at least two pairs (if not more!) of stud earrings. These are small and generally go well with those "I need to look professional and put together" times.
Why do I suggest at least two? Gold and silver of course! I don't know how many times I've thought, "This outfit calls for studs...but I'm wearing a gold necklace and I have no gold studs." Dang.

Studs can be simple or ornate. My Gram used to have some small ball studs that went with everything. Simple. Then there are animal studs, flowers, even mustaches (don't giggle, I have some and my students get a kick out of them!). Those are more ornate. You can go glam with crystals, diamonds...there are lots of options.

So let's check out some fun C+I options for you.

Classic Pearl Stud Earrings $22

Beau Monde Studs $24

Owl Stud Earrings $22

Round Teal Stud Earrings $22

Maritime Knot + Anchor Studs $22

Buy it now: Like what you see here? Visit my boutique and purchase the Classic Pearl Studs, Beau Monde Studs, Owl Studs, Round Teal Studs, Maritime Studs, and many more!
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